Thursday, November 25, 2010

the right road

Pima Indian Reservation, West of the Beeline Hwy

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

milling mesquite

 Salt River Pima Indian Reservation

We recently attended a Mesquite Milling and Pancake Breakfast on the reservation. We brought with us a 10 - 5 gallon buckets of mesquite pods to have milled into flour. Plus, they provided a complete mesquite pancake breakfast - all free of charge!

There were community vendors selling edible items as well as hand-made crafts. I bought some freshly made flour tortillas, as big as a pizza, it was the best tortilla my family has ever tasted.

all photos by Liev Fletcher

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Friday, November 5, 2010

little house of sausages

N. 7th Street, downtown Phoenix