Tuesday, May 25, 2010

set adrift

Chihuly Exhibit @ Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix

As if the desert wasn't already a surreal enough landscape, glass artist Chihuly adds another dimension to an otherwise stark, hostile environment by confronting us with a child-like invitation to play.

taken 1/3/2009

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

happy place

St. Peter's Mission, Gila River Reservation

taken 4/15/2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

this is love

7101 W. Picture Rocks, Tucson

As I was wandering around the Redemptorist Renewal Center, I came across this beautiful, life-like statue on the grounds. I was immediately drawn to take a photo, but it wasn't until much later that I realized how intricate and detailed it was in capturing the human expression of the blessed Virgin.

taken 4/15/2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

where there is hope

St. Peter Indian Mission School, Gila River

In the middle of almost nowhere is this beautiful mission serving the Indian community of the Gila River Reservation, just south of Chandler, near Santan.

The school is by all means modest, but there is a joyfulness about it. The kids were dutifully preparing for a funeral service, yet seemed so intent and fulfilled in their countenance. The staff of a visiting priest and seven residing, Franciscan, sisters were equally glowing.

Maybe it was the way the warm desert sun lit up that mission on the day I happen to be there, but it made it feel like paradise to me.